Hollande And Mistrals "Decision" 27/07/2015
Mistrals Sevastopol and Vladivostok in St Nazaire - Photo Bernard Grua Mistrals, delivery or not delivery? That's (still!) the question On July 27, 2015, President François Hollande made a communication about Mistral class invasion vessels, the "Vladivostok" and the "Sevastopol", built for Putin's Navy. This communication did not create big waves in France. This is probably because most of the French people are on vacations between July the 14th and August the 15th and because it was, actually, a poor statement. However, as we observed, a great emotion spread abroad. There, people and medias understood that President Hollande would announce the delivery very soon. Actually, nobody knows the answer. May be, even not, the President Hollande? Then we propose you to go back to the "original" information and to refresh you with some background. What said President Hollande? You can read an article in Liberation, French National newspaper, ...