No Mistrals for Putin is a non political activist group and none of its actions can be endorsed by any political party

Dear Friends, We were a very small group of French people, based in Nantes, Dublin and Kyiv. We started to alert the world opinion about Mistrals at the end of February 2014. In France, nobody used to care about this deal that was supposed to create jobs and deliver vessels with no military resources. These vessels were supposed to be some kind of ferry boats or floating hospital. We knew they were war ships that could be used for invasion. We knew they were the best tool for Russia in order to keep control of Crimea. We knew they would be a serious threat for many countries of the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. We remember our first messages to Ukrainian people. They could not believe what we were saying: France selling invasion war ships to Putin, Ukraine's invader??? Eventually, we were lucky enough to have some great people following us from the beginning and spread the word.
All together we succeeded in step one: alert public opinion and create international movements.
All together we succeeded in step two: have most of the civilised countries publicly express official disagreement with Mistrals deliveries to the Russia of Putin.
Now, all together we have to succeed in step three: have governments take a real commitment on not delivering weapons to Russia and on stoping the cash flows that finances Putin's wars.
You think we already did a lot together. Well, there is much more to do. But we are much more people than at the beginning. We also have strong media support now.
One of the reasons we have been successful is because we are apolitical. We warmly welcome any concerned citizen who wants to stop this deal, but since the beginning we have been, and we will stay, apolitical
In France, the party of the majority supports François Hollande's position regarding the Mistrals delivery. The main party of the opposition is the one that signed the Mistral deal. We can talk about our far right party, the "Front National" which openly supports Putin and is happy to deliver him the Mistrals. Not to mention the Communist party, which of course is still on Kremlin's point of view.
Basically, almost all political parties in France support the Mistral deal or are at least not against it.
That’s why there is absolutely no room for connecting our movement with political parties.
But this is not the end of it. Most of French people absolutely do not have any idea about what is Ukraine and who the Ukrainians are. As usual when they don’t know something, they don't care about it. However, some people heard about Maidan. But Russian propaganda is so huge that It made them believe that your revolution was managed by fascists. Many of them are still convinced that the political change resulted from a coup and that your government is a junta. Even if this is slightly changing, some Ukrainian parties still have a disastrous image in the rest of the world.
From the very beginning our movement has been a 100% non political one. We cannot tolerate any intrusion of political parties in « No Mistrals for Putin ». We cannot tolerate any appropriation of our movement by any party would it be from France, from Ukraine or from any other part of the world. It would ruin months of efforts and lead to the worst results for Ukraine and its neighbours.
We are not for sale!
We cannot be bought!
We cannot be captured!
We cannot be hostages of politicians!
Together we are and will remain free!
Bernard Grua, Dimitri Halby, Guillaume Sho
Nantes, Dublin, Kyiv
We express our strong support to the "No Mistrals For Putin Ukraine Official" team in Kyiv: Elena, Vasil & Guillaume.


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