Russian Sailors Left France Without The Mistral. Bon Vent!

Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua

SAINT-NAZAIRE, France, Dec 18 (NMFP) - A ship carrying the Russian sailors who have been training for months on a French-built Mistral helicopter carrier left the French port of Saint-Nazaire on Thursday, in a departure that seems to exclude the delivery of the Mistral to Russia.

A few activists including Bernard Grua saw their ship, the Smolny, leave the Atlantic Ocean port and head out to sea. French media reported this week how many of the 400 sailors and 150 crew members had been stocking up with parcels of purchases at local retailers.

The sailors arrived in late June at the shipyard to begin training on a first carrier, named Vladivostock, which France was due to deliver to Russia by the last quarter of 2014.

Bon vent! as we say in French (used to express relieve when somebody you don't want to see leaves finally)

A few pictures taken by Bernard Grua:

Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua

Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua
Russian vessel Smolnyi leaving St Nazaire to return to Russia - Photo Bernard Grua


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